Sarina Jennifer Meier
Empower Growth
space for change and development
Wo Veränderung wirklich beginnt
Veränderung beginnt im Inneren, wenn wir unsere Perspektive ändern und Verantwortung für unser Wachstum übernehmen. Es sind die kleinen Entscheidungen im Alltag, die uns Schritt für Schritt näher zu der Person bringen, die wir sein möchten.
Manchmal entsteht Wandel aus der Einsicht, dass wir so nicht weitermachen können – für uns selbst und für die Menschen, die uns wichtig sind. Jede überwundene Herausforderung stärkt uns und lehrt uns, die Vergangenheit als Lehrmeister zu sehen. So schaffen wir die Grundlage für echte, nachhaltige Veränderung.
Deshalb möchte ich meine Geschichte mit dir teilen – als Inspiration, den eigenen Weg mutig zu gehen und neues Vertrauen ins Leben zu finden.
My Story
A few years ago, I was at a different point in my life - both emotionally and physically. I was struggling with challenges that many of us are familiar with. As a mother and someone who comes from a broken home, I have experienced how formative and painful family structures can be. But I knew that I wanted to change my story - not just for myself, but also for my children.
It was a journey that led me to not only grow emotionally, but also to fundamentally change my body and lifestyle. I lost about 20 kg and completely changed my outlook on life. This transformation was not easy, but it gave me an inner strength that I never thought possible. It was a decision for myself, for my health and for the role model I want to be for my children.
My path of personal development and change is not just about creating external changes, but above all about growing on the inside. As a prospective alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and through my voluntary work with children, I want to pass on my experiences and knowledge. I want to support people to overcome their own challenges and lead a conscious, healthy life - regardless of their starting point.
My heart especially goes out to children and their development. They are the future and I firmly believe that we as a society must offer them a space where they feel safe to pursue their dreams and discover their own strength.
Through my work as a model, I also want to show that it is possible to bring your passion into the world and bring out the best in yourself - but that always starts from within. By sharing my journey of change, I hope to encourage others to believe in themselves and to recognize that every change - whether internal or external - is the first step towards a fulfilling life.
I invite you to share this space with me. Let us broaden our perspective together, think and grow – not only externally, but also internally.
Der Weg zu echtem Wachstum beginnt im Inneren. Durch meine Ausbildung zur Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie und meine Leidenschaft für Psychoedukation möchte ich Wissen vermitteln, das Menschen hilft, ihre Emotionen zu verstehen und ihre innere Balance zu finden. Dieses Fundament bildet die Grundlage für persönliche und gesellschaftliche Transformation.